Thursday, February 11, 2010

My teacher said not to tell anyone my password

So, my dad decided to take computer lessons with his friends so that he could learn to type and do 'paperwork' on the computer. He wanted to get the most out of his money so he asked to borrow my laptop so that he could practice during the day. After putting a password on my account (it's safer for everyone that way), I made him his own account. One day I came downstairs and saw that he was clearly upset because the computer wasn't cooperating. I decided i'd bite and ask him what was wrong.

Dad: I can't log into my email
Me: Do you have the caps lock on?
Dad: I know that button. It makes the letters big. No, it's not on.
Me: Type it again, maybe you spelled it wrong
(Dad types with ONE it takes some time...and still doesn't work)
Me: Here, I'll log you into your email
Dad: No. I'm not telling you my password
Me: Dad, really? Like i'm going to go and read your emails
Dad: No, my teacher said never tell anyone your password
Me: Dad, you can't log in. Just let me type it in for you.
Dad: No, i'm not telling you. I'm going to get it.

He carries on and after another 5 tries is able to log in. I leave him alone to check his email and do his thing. I come back a few hours later to check my email. My Dad was practicing emailing and typing by sending us all emails so I had one from him. As I was reading my emails I noticed that there were a whole bunch of papers on the table with my Dad's writing on them. Leaning closer I realized that I was staring at the email that my Dad had sent me...and my brother...and my sister. My Dad had actually written outall his emails on paper before typing them! Lol. And he was worried about giving me his password!

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