Saturday, December 12, 2009


Dad: So, I gave your cousin $120 today

Me: For her birthday (thinking wow, he was generous this year)

Dad: No, $20 for her birthday and a $100 because she got 90% on her report card

Me: Oh yeah, she told me she got 90% in co-op

Dad: What, in coop? She cheated. She has to give me the money back--give me the phone I'm going to call her so she doesn't spend it.

Me: DAD, how did she cheat?

Dad: Coop. That's why. That's not a class.

Me:LOL. Dad, that is a class--

Dad: NO, that's cheating. I only give $100 to getting 90 or above in Math, Science....& English. That's it. Not in waste classes.

Me: Dad, that's not a waste class. She could be falling asleep during her co op or not listening to her supervisor. They hired her part time in the bank--banks wouldn't just do that to anyone.

Dad: Fine, this time I won't take it back. But, i'm going to call her and tell her next time, no cheating, i'm only paying for those 3 classes and maybe history.

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