Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why my glasses are important....

Dad: Mikki, pass me the portable phone. We should call your aunt in India, she hasn't called in a while. She's so cheap

**I'm thinking she's not the only one who is cheap**

**Dad is moving papers looking for something**

Me: Dad, what are you looking for?

Dad: My glasses. I don't want the cops to come again

Me: The cops? Why would the cops come if you're calling auntie and what do your glasses have to do with it?

Dad: The last time I called without my glasses I accidently dialed 911. When I told them it was a mistake and I was trying to dial 011 they wouldn't believe me. You don't remember this?

Me: **laughing** Um, no, I don't.

Dad: Yeah, I told them you guys weren't home and that I was by myself. They wanted to search the house. I said fine, and told them i'd wait outside on the patio for them. You know, they should make the phones better. I don't know why they put the 0 so close to the 9 and if they're going to do that then they should make the numbers bigger. Even I know that some people can't see that well and I didn't go to University.

Me: Yeah, I don't know why they don't make the numbers bigger. Give me the phone and i'll dial the number.


  1. Lol ... My mom accidentally dialed 911 too, but from mis-dialing my work phone number - nothing even close to 911. Glad they didn't search my house.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OMG...I was dying when i read this, i didnt know this happened! Oh Uncle....LMAO
