Thursday, December 3, 2009

Make a Sign

Real conversation with my Dad the other night:

Dad: Mikki, can you make a sign for me

**I get a pen and paper and assume it's going to be something for his business (really, I did)**

Me: Ok, what do you want me to write

Dad: (in a completely serious voice in English) Clean room or don't sleep here

Me: What, you want me to write what?

Dad: Clean ... clean THE room or don't sleep here

**I am trying to keep a straight face and am writing**

Dad: Put it on your brothers door. On the outside. It's like a pig room.

Me: Um,I think you mean pig sty. Dad why don't you just tell him to clean his room? Isn't that more effective?

Dad: I already told him. He has to listen to the sign because it to get out if you don't clean your room

....and two seconds later...

Dad: Your brother works so hard...he's going to school AND he's comes first I keep telling him that...

Me: Maybe he's studying too much and doesn't have time to clean his room (Secretly rolling my eyes)

Dad: No, make the sign. Make sure you write what I said. Tape it to the door.

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